What Is Automated Underwriting?
People make mistakes. It is a fact of life. Loan Officers overlook a credit requirement, an income stipulation, a property type limitation or any other guideline that may affect your ability to qualify. It happens more often than it should. This very reason is why we use automated underwriting. 
Our automated underwriter, which is a state of the art computer underwriting system, is loaded with every guideline, restriction, limitation and, more importantly, every loophole on how to get your loan approved. Once you complete your application with one of our experienced Loan Originators, they will run your loan application through the automated underwriting engine. The automated underwriter will issue a pre-qualification at that time.
The best part of this automated underwriter is that the pre-qualification is issued upfront! You are not left in limbo hoping for an approval after you have invested days or weeks with some other high pressure salesperson and spent your hard earned money on an appraisal before you even know if you can qualify for the loan. Skip the salesman and get your automated pre-qualification upfront.